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Dr. Kara E. McGoey is a professor of School Psychology. She teaches courses on behavioral assessment and intervention, child and adolescent psychopathology and early childhood assessment and intervention. Dr. McGoey received her Ph.D. from Lehigh University and completed an internship and post-doctoral fellowship at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Her research interests include translating scientifically sound interventions into the school setting to improve the social emotional functioning of children, reducing the barriers to intervention fidelity and preschool mental health.


  • Ph.D., School Psychology, Lehigh University, 1998


Profile Information

  • GPSY 690 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
  • GPSY 625 Behavior Interventions
  • GPSY 808 Early Childhood Assessment and Intervention

Rispoli, K. M., Natalie, K. A., McGoey, K. E., & Schreiber, J. S. (2019). Parenting, childcare, and children's pre-kindergarten skills: Exploring moderation by race and ethnicity. Early Childhood Development and Care, 189 (6), 946-964, doi: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1359580.

Bandi, S., Simonds, R., Stankus, J., Wehr, A., & McGoey, K. E. (2018). School Psychologists' Role in Teacher-Child Interaction Training. Communique, 46 (8), 8-10.

O'Connor, M., Fleischmann, C., Kenner, E., McCobin, A., & McGoey, K. E. (2017). Early Childhood Gifted Assessment and Intervention Practices. Communique, 46 (3), 1, 18-19.

Aston, C., Graves, S., McGoey, K. E., Lovelace, T., & Townsend, T. (2018). Promoting sisterhood: The impact of a culturally focused program to address verbally aggressive behaviors in Black girls. Psychology in the Schools, 55 (1), 50-62.

Brown, S. L., McGoey, K. E., Graves, S. L., & Schreiber, J. B. (2017). Influences of Childcare Quality for Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 2 (1), 61-84.

Utchell, L. A., Schmitt, A. J., McCallum, E., McGoey, K. E., & Piselli, K. (2016). Ability of early literacy general outcome measures to predict future state assessment performance. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34 (6), 511-523, doi: doi:10.1177/0734282915621221.

McGoey, K. E., & Graves, S. (2016). Evidence-Based Interventions in Urban Schools: Unique Implications for Implementation: Introduction to the Special Issue. School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, 10 (2), 1-3.

McGoey, K. E., Munro, A. B., McCobin, A., & Meese, A. A. (2016). Implementation of culturally relevant school wide positive behavior support. School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, 10 (2), 1-8.

Schaffner, K. F., McGoey, K. E., & Venesky, L. (2016). Teacher-child interaction therapy with a clinical preschool program. School Psychology Forum: Research in Practice, 10 (2), 1-14.

McGoey, K. E., Venesky, L., McGuirk, L., Schaffner, K., & Schreiber, J. (2015). Factor structure of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms for children age 3 to 5 years. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33 (5), 430-438, doi: 10.1177/0734282914554255.

Mar铆n-M茅ndez, J. J., Borra, M. C., 脕lvarez-G贸mez, M. J., McGoey, K. E., & Soutullo, C. (2015). Normative ADHD-RS-Preschool data in a community sample in la rioja and navarra (Spain). Journal of Attention Disorders.

McGoey, K. E., Rispoli, K., Venesky, L., Schaffner, K., McGuirk, L., Stephanie Marshall (2014). Translating Research into Evidence-Based Practices: Reducing the Barriers to Intervention Implementation. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 30 (4), 375-390, doi: 10.1080/15377903.2014.950441.

Rispoli, K., McGoey, K. E., Schreiber, J., & Koziol, N. (2013). The relation of parenting, child temperament, and attachment security in early childhood to social competence at school entry. Journal of School Psychology, 51 (5), 643-658.

McGoey, K. E., Rispoli, K., Schneider, D., Clark, B., & Portz-Novak, K. J. (2013). Improving Behavior With Preschool Consultation: A Pilot Study of the TOTS Model. Journal of Educational Consultation, 23 (3), 185-199.

McGoey, K. E., Schneider, D.L, Rezzetano, K., Clark, B. & Novak, K. (2013). The Effect of a Preschool Consultation Model: The TOTS Program. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation.

McGoey, K. E., Rezzetano, K, Schneider, D. & Tankersley, M. (2010). Class- wide Intervention to Manage Disruptive Behavior in the Kindergarten Classroom. Journal of Applied School Psychology.

McGoey, K. E., Cowan, R.J., Rumrill, P.P., & LaVogue, C. (2010). Understanding the psychometric properties of reliability and validity in assessment. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 36, 105-111.

Altman, C., Sommers, J.l., McGoey, K. E., (2009) Anxiety in Early Childhood: What do we know? Journal of Infant and Child Psychology, 5, 157-176

Cowan, R. J., McGoey, K. E., & Quallick, C. (2007). The Side Effects of Inclusion for Students with Learning Disabilities: Their Impact on the Role of the Practicing School Psychologist: Past, Present and Future Directions. Learning Disabilities-Multicultural Journal, 14, 167-176.

McGoey, K. E., DuPaul, G. J., Haley, E., & Shelton, T. L. (2007). Parent and Teacher Ratings of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Preschool: The ADHD Rating Scale-IV Preschool Version. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 29, 269-276.

McGoey, K. E., Prodan, T., & Condit, N. (2007). Examining the effects of teacher and self-evaluation of disruptive behavior via school-home notes for two young children in kindergarten. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 3, 365-376 .

Staples, L., McGoey, K. E., Cowan, R. J., Crist, N., & Tankersely, M. J. (2006). Collaborating with kindergarten teachers to increase student compliance with classroom rules. Journal of Evidence Based Practice for School. 7, 142-164.

McGoey, K. E., Lender, W. L., Buono, J., Blum, N. J., Power, T. J., & Radcliffe, J. R. (2006). A model for assessing preschool children with attention and activity regulation problems. Journal of Infant and Child Psychology, 2, 117-138.

Tankersley, M., McGoey, K. E., Dalton, D., Rumrill, P. D., & Balan, C. M. (2006). Single subject research methods in rehabilitation. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 26, 85 -92.

McGoey, K. E., DuPaul, G. J., Eckert, T. L., Volpe, R. J., & Van Brackle, J. (2005). Outcomes of a multi-component intervention for preschool children at-risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 27, 33-56.

McGoey, K. E., Eckert, T. L., & DuPaul, G. J. (2002). Early intervention for preschool-age children with ADHD: A literature review. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 10, 14-28.

Boyajian, A. E., DuPaul, G. J., Handler, M. W., Eckert, T. L., & McGoey, K. E. (2001). The use of classroom-based brief functional analysis with preschoolers at-risk for ADHD. School Psychology Review, 30, 278-293.

DuPaul, G. J., McGoey, K. E., Eckert, T. L., & VanBrackle, J. (2001). Preschool children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Impairments in behavioral, social, and school functioning. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40, 508-515.

McGoey, K. E., & DuPaul, G. J. (2000). Token reinforcement and response cost interventions: Reducing the disruptive behavior of preschool children with ADHD. School Psychology Quarterly, 15, 330-343.