Contact Information


Dr. Charles Favreau is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business. He teaches business finance and financial management courses, and developed a real estate finance course.

Most recently, Dr. Favreau started his own consulting firm, Delphi Building Science, after becoming a Certified General Contractor in the sate of Florida. Previously, he worked as a Senior Project Manager for Liberty Building Forensics Group. 

Dr. Favreau's research interests include investments, investor behavior, financial markets, and real estate. His research appears in the Journal of Behavioral Finance, the Journal of Alternative Investments, Quantitative Finance, and Finance Research Letters.

His research has been presented at the annual conferences for the Financial Management Association and the Southern Finance Association.


  • Ph.D., Finance, University of Arizona
  • M.S., Finance, University of South Florida
  • B.A., University of Central Florida


Profile Information

  • Presidential Scholarship Award, 2020

Palumbo-Donahue School of Business 
  • Kurt Rethwisch, Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity, 2022
  • Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2021
  • Kurt Rethwisch, Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity, 2020

Journal Articles

Favreau, C., & Garvey, R. (2022). The Effect of Tripping the US Equity Market-Wide Circuit Breaker on Liquidity: Evidence from the Coronavirus Selloff. Journal of Investing, 32(1), 21-34.

Favreau, C., & Garvey, R. (2022). Non-positive Spreads and Trading Venue Halts: Are Investors Harmed? Finance Research Letters, 46, 102368.

Atkins, R., & Favreau, C. (2022). The Effects of Layoffs and Plant Closings on Manufacturers' Market Value. International Journal of Production Economics, 245, 108392.

Shelton, A., Kane, H., & Favreau, C. (2021). The Limitations of Estimating Implied Densities from Option Prices. Quantitative Finance, 21(11), 1885-1904.

Favreau, C., Kane, H., & Shelton, A. (2020). The (Under) Performance of Hedge Fund ETFs. Journal of Alternative Investments, 4(22), 120-143.

Favreau, C., & Garvey, R. (2020). What Causes the Disposition Effect? Evidence from Corporate Insiders. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 22(2), 189-200.

Favreau, C., & Garvey, R. (2019). An Examination of Cross-Market Arbitrage. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 21(3), 31-36.