Contact Information


Dr. Akwasi Opoku-Dakwa is the Management and Marketing Department Chair and Associate Professor of Management at the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business. He has taught Principles of Management, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, and Business Ethics at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Dr. Opoku-Dakwa has a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from Brown University and an MBA from the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland. Through his experience of managing others, developing his own leadership, and involvement as a leadership trainer at work, he developed an interest in the people side of organizations; specifically, in how the psychology and social context of work influence employee engagement. This interest led him to pursue his Ph.D. in the Organization Management program at Rutgers in September of 2010.

His research examines how society's expectations of corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance affect employees' experience of work and, conversely, how employees contribute to corporate ESG performance.  

Dr. Opoku-Dakwa is a member of the Social Issues in Management (SIM) division of the Academy of Management and a member of the Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology (SIOP).


  • Ph.D., Organizational Management, Rutgers, 2018
  • M.B.A., International Institute for Management Development, Switzerland, 2004
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, Brown University, 1997

Profile Information

Palumbo-Donahue School of Business
  • Summer Research Grant, 2019
  • Excellence in Scholarship Award, 2018

Published Papers

Opoku-Dakwa, A. (2021). Moral intensity, perceived impacts, and task motivation: Evidence from volunteers. Business & Society, Online.

Weber, J., & Opoku-Dakwa, A. (2021). Ethical work climate 2.0: A normative reformulation of Victor and Cullen's 1988 framework. Journal of Business Ethics.

Opoku-Dakwa, A., Chen, C. C., & Rupp, D. E. (2018). CSR initiative characteristics and employee engagement: An impact鈥恇ased perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 580-593.

Opoku-Dakwa, A. (2017). The Effect of Moral Intensity on Work Engagement. In Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society (pp. 204-212).

Opoku-Dakwa, A., Rupp, D.E. Corporate Social Responsibility and Meaningful Work. Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility: Psychological and Organizational Perspectives.

Opoku-Dakwa, A. (2017). The Effect of Moral Intensity on Work Engagement. International Association of Business & Society (IABS).

Opoku-Dakwa, A. (2017). The Effect of Moral Intensity on Work Engagement. International Association of Business & Society (IABS), Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Opoku-Dakwa, A., & Rupp, D. E. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility and Meaningful Work. In Abigail McWilliams, Deborah Rupp, Donald Siegel, Gunter Stahl, and David Waldman (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility: Psychology and Organizational Perspectives.